Wednesday, January 14, 2009

10nl Not a good Night

Not a good session this evening, it looks better than it actually is with only a -1.92BB/100 hands over 286 hands. Every once in a while I played kind of loose and crazy and this evening was one of those. Some wild play that I'm not sure I fully understand. Some stats for the session 3tabling FR 25/16/1.5 w/ 9 3bet%. Mood was slightly negative\steamed during entire session and loose opponents hitting 2 pair with oddball hands did not help when I called them with top pair.
Taking AK too far with a queen on the board vs tight opponent eventually I gave up to his river bet but it cost me -31bb (complete waste of money). I will credit myself with noticing the steaming as the session entered the last 3rd of the time and I started to tighten up and play better poker. 2 AA hands that were played well that gained me 60bb on a positve note.
Really need to shut it down when things go sour, this session i did not and made the money back but it could have easily been worse in the opposite direction. Going further the goal has to be to stop after 2 buyins are lost. Without controls put in place and followed my losing sessions could cost me huge chunks of bankroll and I'm not looking to reverse all that I have worked hard for.

Tiltmonster was underneath the couch and attacked for a little while but I fought him off and survived. Gotta do better. Stay in tune with the mind.
Good Night Later -Forrest

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