Tuesday, January 13, 2009

10NL Evenings Session Review

This session was fairly short 3 tables 10nl FR 19/14 with 3bet% 3 (LOW) for a total of 123 hands. 18 BB/100 which is good solid progress and no steaming during the session.
Trends - 1 bluff hand that I shut down on the river which cost me 32 bb during which I raised preflop bet the flop bet the turn and checked the river versus a known bully/calling station opponent. Once again for the 2nd night I could have had a much higher bb/100 if I had layed off the attempts at big bluffs. Bluffs are not needed at this level and abc poker is the way to go. Fancy play syndrome is a habit I need to put to rest if I'm going to consistently be in the money and get good positive bb/100 sessions.
Mood - good solid attitude after full day of work, last 3 sessions have been positive.
short term goal - Keep up the solid play, no bluffs and continue to keep the bb/100 positive for the sessions.
126 score at testyourpoker -shows solid skills overall - weak in odds, figuring out opponents betting sequences.
Ok time to do some exercise, gonna hop on the treadmill and virtual cruise the neighborhood. Later gl at the tables Forrest

ok just sticking an update in here 1.57 miles hit the 1 mile mark around 20minutes as compared to 23 minutes a few days ago.

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